Wednesday, July 8, 2009


It's heartening to know that besides all of the crappy stuff that people tend to do a lot of the time, there are a lot of glimmers of love that shine through, too. Gives me hope. Not hope that people will change. But that people have the ability, the capacity, the innate drive to love each other. It makes the crappy stuff easier to bear, although not any easier to understand.

Then I think of all of the dogs I've known over my life. Just counting the ones in my families: Happy, Heidi, Daisy, Bess, Lady, Dobie, Kooper and Logan. Plus many other "extended family" and friend's dogs. They always seem to epitomize the unending capacity for forgiveness and love. No matter how much they are ignored or scolded or disciplined they always seem to come back with tail wagging and body squiggling and happy panting. I know that I'm humanizing the dogs a bit here. But, then, maybe we humans could do with a bit of dog-anizing, ourselves. Wag our tails a bit more now and again.

Makes the crappy stuff easier to bear.