Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Every Morning Now

The Internet is chock full of information! I sort of always knew that, ever since I invented the Internet as Al Gore's silent partner, but rediscovered its plethora-ness more recently when I was unemployed. I developed a morning "roll-call" of web sites to visit to start the day. I call it "day break," and (because I have an Apple), all of my "Day Break" pages open up at once with the click of one bookmark button! Shiny, huh? Here they are, in the order I read the pages:
1. The Rule of Benedict: Insights for the Ages by Joan Chittister, OSB (a daily reading from the Rule, with a commentary by Joan).
2. LIGHT THROUGH STAINED-GLASS WINDOWS by SUSAN DOUBET, OSB (relating the goings on at my spiritual home: Mount Saint Benedict Monastery in Erie, PA).
3. Ellen's Poems (twice-weekly postings of the poems of the now-deceased Ellen Porter, OSB (you may note a trend developing here . . . but it's about to shift).
4. Benedictine Blog (well, okay, it didn't shift yet) - a blog for Oblates of Mount Saint Benedict posted by Marilyn Schauble, OSB (Oblate Director for the Mount Saint Benedict Monastery)).
5. The comic strip "Soup to Nutz"
6. Daily comic strips on the Washington Post web site (Soup to Nutz isn't one of them - don't ask me why because it's great - so that's why Soup to Nutz is a separate web page on its own). I have about a dozen or so comic strips I read each day, starting with Bizarro and ending with Zits, just because I'm an alphabetical kind of person.
7. The Washington Post daily crossword puzzle page.
8. The Washington Post on-line (picking out pithy editorials, eye-catching stories, local weather and video blogs.
9. Today's Recipe (a daily, typically very tasty recipe - posted on weekdays - that I copy and keep on file): http://www.wwrecipes.com/.
10. The Daily Beast. I saw this one on the Colbert Report one evening (or the Daily Show, I forget which). You just need to visit it to get it (English humor and pithiness): http://thedailybeast.com/.

That's it! As I have time and inclination I also check the New York Times and New York Daily News for news on the Yankees, and check up on my fantasy football team (which - by the way - has won two games in a row!).

My home page? The one that opens up every time I open up the web browser? It's http://drhorrible.com/.