Wednesday, October 22, 2008


The darkness creeping in during the fall tends to slow things down. The dogs were slower this morning on our walk . . . a lot of things to sniff. Plus, when you can't see so far ahead of where you are, I think you tend to take tinier steps in getting to where you aren't.

Yesterday, I took tiny steps at work as I continue to get a sense of what the world of fundraising and communications is in general and specifically at the agency where I am asked to do those things. That world (where I am at least) is a mess. I need to step back and come up with a plan to put things in order. It's all reactionary now . . . no plan . . . just going (rushing) from here to there . . . taking big steps (even in the dark!). That can be dangerous when there are things in the dark that might go bump with you!

So, it's time to destroy the status quo as Dr. Horrible would say, because "the status is not quo." We'll see how my plan to plan goes over. People ("us") don't tend to like changes. And that goes for the institutions we constitute, as well.