Sunday, November 9, 2008

Mi Casa es Tu Casa

Inauguration Day 2009 is setting up to be very crowded down this way! Already, people are scrambling for tickets for the event. Congressional office phone lines are burning up. Hotels are being inundated with calls. Airline reservations are up over 200% for this far out from "normal" times. And police are estimating record numbers of attendees for the historic event. If things are as clogged as people are anticipating, it might be best to walk the five miles or so from our house to the Capitol Building.

Inauguration Day and the day before (Martin Luther King Jr. Day - isn't that ironic) are both Federal holidays, so that glut of people who normally flow into and out of the District and nearby lands won't. Whether they flow into the District for the inauguration is another question.

Okay. Well to the point of today's blog. If you're inclined to see history first hand let us know. We have extra bed space for four. We have couch space for one (or two closely connected). We have floor (as in sleeping bag . . . as in backpacking) space for a good half dozen or so more.

I watered the plants in the house yesterday. It was the first time they were watered since we moved them indoors from the back patio for the "Winter." I have yet to see evidence that there really is a Winter here. But I'll stop watering the plants if needed . . . if we have an overabundance of guests coming in. If space is at a premium. I'll stop watering a few so there would be some more room for visitors by January 20.