This is a new post. That's what the button said that I clicked just before I got to this editing window. So I'm posting and it's new.
Originally to post meant to mail but now it's more commonly applied to an electronic message of some sort.
And new. What's that anyway? Not much of anything is. If anything is at all.
We're all recycled. I'm basically just repackaged stardust and so are you and so is every thing else when you come down to it. These computer keys. The electrons carrying the message through the Internet ether. The photons flowing from the screen to the retina. Our thoughts even? Maybe, in the sense that they, too, are electro-chemically induced.
All coming out of some big bang eons ago. Or if not that then some other thing or event or discontinuity far beyond the grasp of our puny brains. What are we but stardust trying to comprehend stardust.
So I guess I'm posting. But I doubt that any of it's new.
“And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.” -- T. S. Eliot (1888-1965)