We finally picked up our Christmas tree yesterday. Saturday got too congested with other things, leaving too little free time. So it was off to the Kiwanis lot yesterday. The people there were extremely nice. Trimmed the bottom of the tree trunk so it was a fresh cut. Cut off the lower limbs so we had a nice clear trunk to put in the stand. Were very chatty and pleasant. At $10 per foot of tree they can afford to be. They are volunteers, though. Each of the foot-dollars goes to a local charity (the one I work at being one of them). So they thanked us. I thanked them. They tied the tree to the roof of our loyal car, the Subaru. And we all drove home together. Kooper came, too. He didn't seem to impressed with the tree-hunting expedition.
It's a $70 tall tree. The cats seem to like it. And the ornaments. Kate ended up putting most of them up because I watched the football game on TV. Steelers v. Ravens. Steelers won in a late game drive down the field to score the only touchdown of the entire game.