Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I took my Apple in to the Apple store yesterday to see why the display was not displaying. The "genius" there at the store (that's what they call them at the "genius bar") did all of the things I told him I had already done at home. All of the troubleshooting tips. Then he said, "Well. I've done everything I can. We'll have to send it away where they will do their magic stuff and restore it for a flat fee of $310." Those weren't his exact words, but you get the gist.

So things may be less frequent between blog notes than I've been doing. Things aren't quite as convenient as before. I have everything backed up. And I can use Kate's Mac (a teeny Macbook but passable). And I have a PC at work and an older laptop PC here at home. All of my data is backed up from my Macbook Pro. So nothing is lost. Then why do I feel so lost?