It's definitely springing here. I've really noticed it the past couple of days. Even though it hasn't been extremely warm. The red buds on the maples are about to burst. The daffodils are out in full force. As are the other springtime flowers. Crocus. Snowdrops. Even some tulips are poking out of the soil, but haven't bloomed. Not quite that warm.
We're finally getting some needed rain. It's been a very dry winter and early spring so far, and with the little snow that falls here on top of the low rainfall, we can use the water. It drizzled on and off yesterday and we're expected to be visited by a needed steady rain today. It's very dark and overcast now. And the weather radar screen is mostly green. Probably in anticipation of Saint Patrick's Day.
In DC there are supposed to be Saint Patrick's Day festivities today downtown. Rain or shine. I'm not sure what they are exactly, except that it means that streets will be blocked off.
Kooper and I went for a longish early morning walk a couple of hours ago, and he's about ready for his routine second romp of the morning. Most mornings the second shift is Kate's. But on Sunday that duty falls to me while Kate is mentally busy putting the finishing touches on her Sunday sermon. This week it's "If Spirituality is the Answer, What is the Question?"
It's like Jeopardy. "I'll take God for $500, Alex."
"And the answer is 'Spirituality.'"
"What is a figment of people's imagination?"
"No. I'm sorry."
"What is the model or paradigm through which we connect to God, humanity and the universe?"
"Ooooh. No. That's not it."
"What is the topic of the Rev. Kate Walker's sermon today?"
"Yes! You are correct!"